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Month: December, 2009


Hello everyone. I must say that I have the best hairdresser in the world. She is my cousin Kendra, and she’s been cutting my hair since 8th grade. Since then, I’ve gotten one cut that wasn’t from her (And I did not enjoy it all too much.) I trust no one else. Which is why I only get my hair cut about two times a year, because I hardly ever see her! But I just got my bangs cut on Christmas, and even though I don’t think anyone thinks it’s as drastic of a change as I do, I still feel like a new person. Mmmm.


This is a (blurry) picture of Crrr. Mmmm. She came over to my house on Monday. If you haven’t figured out that I’m home yet, something’s wrong. πŸ™‚

So it’s not as if every morning before I moved to Portland I would wake up and say “Curr” but it feels SO nice to do it again. Even if it wasn’t that often of an occurrence to begin with. Being home is good. Not quite as weird as I thought it would be, but not totally normal. It definitely seems like my life in Portland is separate from my life here. Like there’s a Conifer Crrr and a long-distance Crrr. Which is maybe not a bad thing. Maybe it is? I don’t know. I’m just glad there’s a Crrr in both my lives. Hehe.


The Fourteenth of December

Here are some images from our two year anniversary. I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long, it feels like it went flying by. I feel so lucky to have him in my life every single day. =)


So I found this print of mine on the drying rack tonight. I had thrown it in the darkroom trash about a week ago. This is what happened to it in the trash over the course of that week πŸ™‚ Heehe. I kind of like it.

Stuff IV

I am taking a little break from Flickr. But still taking pictures (obviously.) So here are some from the last few days!

9 Days Away

Steele and I have made a paper chain counting the days till we leave Portland for Colorado. πŸ™‚ Today there are only 15 rings left! It’s so crazy that my first semester of College is almost over.

Something even crazier: This picture shows the ring for December 14. Which is mine and Steele’s two year anniversary. It’s so insane that we’ve been together for two years. When I think about my past I can’t separate the memories where I was dating him and not, it’s all one big blur. (Which I suppose is kind of bad. I’m so horrible at remembering stuff. Often times it really bugs me. I’m afraid I’m going to forget everything that I’m feeling or going through.) I am going to start working on his present soon πŸ™‚

Stuff III

I feel so good today πŸ™‚ I’ve been feeling pretty crappy lately.. mostly physically but today is a different story. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to change in my life and so of course, my brain immediately goes to new years, because it’s coming up. Last Saturday I realized that I shouldn’t have to wait until new years to make resolutions. I’m sick of setting a date to change things. When’s a better time than when I think of it? So today I exercised for the first time in a long time. πŸ™‚ I also had a salad for dinner. I know it might sound stupid, but it’s not about losing weight at all, it’s just about feeling good. I also want to start writing more letters! So if anyone wants a letter… And I really want to start logging off the internet for a while. (Ha, ha, as I type this..) But that one’s hard because so much of my life revolves around stuff on the internet. That sounds unhealthy, but it’s not as creepy as it sounds I promise.