Color Walk

by brittanychavez

This is a short video in which you can see the first project I did for a class I’m taking called Beyond Color Theory. The assignment was a color walk–basically we went to a specific location (An Asian market) and recorded our experience with the color there. Then we did a piece based on our experience.

Untitled from Brittany Chavez on Vimeo.

I made a book, which is why this is a video format. My thinking as far as my experience goes, was that I was first assaulted by a lot of bright colors (primarily red) and then spent the duration of the trip seeking out colors I liked. I wanted the viewer to have the same experience as I did.. the seeking out colors, which is why I decided to do a piece in which you literally had to find colors beneath colors.

For anyone who’s curious, the paper is tracing paper and the color medium is prismacolor markers, which is a high quality drawing marker. Since the paper doesn’t absorb much the marker ink sits on top of it and ends up looking very luquidy, which is something I liked.